NME Magazine Front Cover
Language - The masthead and name of this magazine is 'NME' which stands for 'New Music Express' which is an indie genre based magazine. The main image is a CU of the main singer from the band 'The Killers' which is known from the anchorage which identifies the persons face. The front cover is split into sections which is easily seen for example, the masthead, the sell lines, main image, anchorage and banner. The font used is the main font used and is the font of the masthead. The biggest and main writing is used in this font style to show continuity although they are some small parts with different fonts to make them more noticeable and make them stand out more. The sell lines have been printed in big font to get the readers attention and persuade them to buy the magazine.
Institution - The publisher of NME is IPC Media and is independently owned by the United Kingdom.
Ideology - The aim of this magazine is to update people who are passionate about music and give them all the latest news and festival dates. The front cover shows that indie music is fun and sometimes dangerous by the colours used i.e. black and red. The magazine does not cost that much so will be available to anyone.
Audience - This magazine is aimed at passionate indie fans and people who are fans of 'The Killers'
Representation - The front cover represents the artist as a simple person who is clean cut and serious about music by having the layout sharp and simple and not having the skylines in random parts of the cover. The black and grey colour scheme shows that they are serious about what they do.
NME Magazine Contents Page
Language - They have used the same font as the front cover to show continuity. They have used a similar layout to the front cover but used less black and grey and more white, this could show another side to the magazine, connoting that they are many different kinds of sides to the musical genre and will be shown in the magazine. The little use of red used in the contents page draws the attention of the reader thus making it more important.
Institution - The publisher of NME is IPC Media and is independently owned by the United Kingdom.
Ideology - The ideology of the contents page is to show what the magazine has to offer with its features column and band index. Also to give the reader updates on festival dates and ticket offers.
Audience - The audience would be people who are interested in indie rock music, the artists and bands included in the magazine. Also people who have attended music gigs at venues that may have extra dates for more venues.
Representation - The representation of the contents page is to show the most important articles by making the most important more dominant.
NME Magazine Double Page Spread
Institution - The publisher of NME is IPC Media and is independently owned by the United Kingdom.
Ideology - The ideology of the contents page is to show what the magazine has to offer with its features column and band index. Also to give the reader updates on festival dates and ticket offers.
Audience - The audience would be people who are interested in indie rock music, the artists and bands included in the magazine. Also people who have attended music gigs at venues that may have extra dates for more venues.
Representation - The representation of the contents page is to show the most important articles by making the most important more dominant.
NME Magazine Double Page Spread
Language - The image establishes who the article is about along with the pull quote as they are the dominant features in this double page spread. The black and grey colour scheme has been brought through from the front cover to show continuity but the orange writing clashes with it which may connote the clashes within the band and also draw the readers attention to the important parts for example 'Another' and 'Oasis' drawing the attention making them want to know what they meant.
Institution - The publisher of NME is IPC Media and is independently owned by the United Kingdom.
Ideology - The ideology of this double page spread is to show that although many bands have their disagreements they can still pull together and make good music like Oasis did. The target audience for the magazine is shown in the double spage spread as the band are being honest about the industry saying 'I don't ever see there being another Oasis to be honest' showing their opinion.
Audience - The audience will be indie rock fans, fans of Oasis and NME readers.
Representation - The double page spread shows that Oasis are very powerful and dominant by the type of image shown, ie MS LA making them look like they are looking down at everyone else.