Sunday, 27 November 2011

Layout Ideas using Digital and Hand Drawn Drafts

Initial Ideas

Price and Publishing

Taking my target audience into account and the amount I will be publishing I will be selling my music magazine at the price of £5.00. I have chosen this price because I believe that it is a reasonable price and is affordable for my target audience. I have also decided to publish my magazine once every month so that it is full of information and so wont be including the same boring articles every week like some magazine do. I want my magazine to be unique and different so printing it monthly will make it even more rare and include exciting information that will only be published in my magazine.

Target Audience Target audience by s0013223

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Magazine LIIAR Analysis

Q Magazine Front Cover
Language - The masthead for this music magazine is 'Q' magazine which is an English based monthly music magazine. The main image is a long shot of Florence Welch from the British indie music band Florence and the Machine which is shown and proven from the anchorage located next to the image. The font on the front cover is different to grab the readers attention, as if it where the same certain articles wouldn't stand out and therefore wouldn't get noticed. The colour scheme used throughout the front cover is a simple black and white and only small parts of red to make certain items stand out. Using the same red as the masthead this shows that they have used continuity and also making Florence Welch's hair a darker red imply's that she is fiery.

Institution - The institution of Q magazine is Bauer Media Group.

Ideology - The aim of this magazine is to inform people, that are passionate about music, all the latest news and festival dates. The front cover shows that the music is fun and sometimes dangerous by the colours used i.e. black and red and also that it is big as Florence Welch is seen as towering over the famous buildings and statues and is also bigger and better than the males in the industry and she has been given the main article while the males are only in sell lines.

Audience - The audience for this magazine will be people who are interested in Florence and the Machine and also who are interested in indie music.

Representation - The front cover represents the artist as a person who is a strong wielded and who also good at what they do as they are portrayed bigger than the famous buildings and statues. Also it imply's that Florence has made it in those places and has them in the palm of her hands as they are smaller than her. This show's that this music is big in every country; worldwide.

Q Magazine Contents Page
Language - Q magazine has used the front cover masthead on the contents page to show continuity. They have used a similar colour scheme to the one of the front cover, by using blacks, reds and whites. This shows that Q has a house style which is used in every magazine, to make it more recognisable to the readers. The little use of red on the 'Features' and 'Every Month' column shows what is important on the page which then draws attention to it. The main image on the page is another long shot of the Courteeners, so that the reader can relate to the image as they are seeing the whole of the artist.

Institution - The institution of Q magazine is Bauer Media Group.

Ideology - The ideology of this contents page is to inform the reader that this music magazine has lots of new and exclusive information and news regarding music by having many features and a reviews box.

Audience - The audience for this music magazine would be people who are interested and fans of the Courteeners.

Representation - The representation of this contents page is to inform the reader of what is right and of all the new information about artists, festivals and competitions.
Q Magazine Double Page Spread

Language - The image which is a MCU establishes who the article is about, the image is in black and white which goes along with the Q house style. Also, the red has been used again as the background to the article; the letter 'L' is in the colour red, the same as the red used in the Q masthead. The article is set out in three columns that include drops caps. 

Institutions -  The institution of Q magazine is Bauer Media Group.

Ideology - The ideology of this double page spread is to show that Lady Gaga has come back new and improved with the new hair, but also is the same as before shown through the use of black and white image.

Audience - The audience will be fans of Lady Gaga and also fans of Q magazine and of that music genre.

Represenation - the spread shows how simple and easy Lady Gaga is as a person from the simple double page spread. The image which is in a MCU allows the reader to see the artist clearly and see what kind of person they are from the face which they are pulling and also that they are making eye contact which connotes that they are both equals.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Magazine LIIAR Analysis

NME Magazine Front Cover

Language - The masthead and name of this magazine is 'NME' which stands for 'New Music Express' which is an indie genre based magazine. The main image is a CU of the main singer from the band 'The Killers' which is known from the anchorage which identifies the persons face. The front cover is split into sections which is easily seen for example, the masthead, the sell lines, main image, anchorage and banner. The font used is the main font used and is the font of the masthead. The biggest and main writing is used in this font style to show continuity although they are some small parts with different fonts to make them more noticeable and make them stand out more. The sell lines have been printed in big font to get the readers attention and persuade them to buy the magazine.

Institution - The publisher of NME is IPC Media and is independently owned by the United Kingdom.

Ideology - The aim of this magazine is to update people who are passionate about music and give them all the latest news and festival dates. The front cover shows that indie music is fun and sometimes dangerous by the colours used i.e. black and red. The magazine does not cost that much so will be available to anyone.

Audience - This magazine is aimed at passionate indie fans and people who are fans of 'The Killers'

Representation - The front cover represents the artist as a simple person who is clean cut and serious about music by having the layout sharp and simple and not having the skylines in random parts of the cover. The black and grey colour scheme shows that they are serious about what they do.

NME Magazine Contents Page

Language - They have used the same font as the front cover to show continuity. They have used a similar layout to the front cover but used less black and grey and more white, this could show another side to the magazine, connoting that they are many different kinds of sides to the musical genre and will be shown in the magazine. The little use of red used in the contents page draws the attention of the reader thus making it more important.
Institution - The publisher of NME is IPC Media and is independently owned by the United Kingdom.

Ideology - The ideology of the contents page is to show what the magazine has to offer with its features column and band index. Also to give the reader updates on festival dates and ticket offers.

Audience - The audience would be people who are interested in indie rock music, the artists and bands included in the magazine. Also people who have attended music gigs at venues that may have extra dates for more venues.

Representation - The representation of the contents page is to show the most important articles by making the most important more dominant.

NME Magazine Double Page Spread

Language - The image establishes who the article is about along with the pull quote as they are the dominant features in this double page spread. The black and grey colour scheme has been brought through from the front cover to show continuity but the orange writing clashes with it which may connote the clashes within the band and also draw the readers attention to the important parts for example 'Another' and 'Oasis' drawing the attention making them want to know what they meant. 

Institution - The publisher of NME is IPC Media and is independently owned by the United Kingdom.

Ideology - The ideology of this double page spread is to show that although many bands have their disagreements they can still pull together and make good music like Oasis did. The target audience for the magazine is shown in the double spage spread as the band are being honest about the industry saying 'I don't ever see there being another Oasis to be honest' showing their opinion.

Audience - The audience will be indie rock fans, fans of Oasis and NME readers.

Representation - The double page spread shows that Oasis are very powerful and dominant by the type of image shown, ie MS LA making them look like they are looking down at everyone else.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Magazine LIIAR Analysis

Spin Magazine Front Cover

Language - The name of this magazine is 'Spin' and is a indie based magazine. The main image on the magazine cover is a MC of the singer from Florence and the Machine as the anchorage makes clear and is dominant as it takes over the whole front page. The fonts used are similar to each other and are clear and bold and the colour scheme is black, white and red which links to the image and works well. They are many sell lines promoting different artists included in the magazine and offers and competitions to be entered inside so that the audience is more likely to buy it as they may be tempted to enter them.

Institution - it is independantly owned and published by Spin Media LLC who are based in the United States of America as it is an American magazine.

Ideology - the ideology of the magazine is to show and portray the elegence of indie/indie rock music and give the audience updates on that type of genre with new releases and interviews with artists. The magazine shows the glits and glamour side to the music world by what the images shows e.g. sequin dress shows its a stylish, cool and not to strict business.

Audience - The audience for this magazine would be late teens to early twenties, also fans of Florence and the Machine and indie fans.

Representation - shows that the artist had glamour and sophistication but can be fun by what she is wearing e.g. the dress. The layout is tidy and neat which shows that the magazine will be clear and easy to read.

Spin Magazine Contents Page

Language - The front pages masthead is used again on the contents page. The fonts are again clear and bold and are easy to read as they are below one another and are not scattered around the page. The 'features' shows that they're big stories included and the colours used are black and whites with some pink which makes it more noticeable.

Institution - it is independantly owned and published by Spin Media LLC who are based in the United States of America as it is an American magazine.

Ideology - the image shows that music isnt all about making music but having fun with music as Duffy is shown by playing with a violin.

Audience - the audience would be for people who enjoy indie music and are fans of Duffy.

Representation - there isnt as much included on the contents page but this could mean that music can be a simple job and not busy. It shows what will be included in the magazine and the type of genre by the artists included in the articles.

Spin Magazine Double Page Spread

Language - the name of the artist is the biggest font so has the biggest impact along with the image as it informs the reader of who it is. The colour of black and white has been carried along and is used completely in this spread which gives it more impact as it shows both the light and dark areas which could connote the dark and light areas of the music indurstry.

Institution - it is independantly owned and published by Spin Media LLC who are based in the United States of America as it is an American magazine.

Ideology - the ideology of the spread it to inform the readers of a new and big band in the music industry. The way the image is protrayed by the hair blowing in the wind may connote the type of style they have which is different and new.

Audience - the audience will be fans of Florence and the Machine and indie/indie rock fans.

Representation - the spread shows the band as simple and easy to understand as its been shown in black and white, meaning they have no secrets and what you see is what you get.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Identifying my Chosen Genre using Music Videos

My chosen genre is Indie Rock as that is the kind of music I listen to the most and prefer. I will be using this genre in my music magaine and use artists like those below to include in my magazine as they are indie rock based artists. All the music videos are different and each artists have their own take on indie rock so its a good genre to choose because there is a lot I can do with this genre for my magazine.

Monday, 7 November 2011

The Brief for Music Magazine

Main Task - the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

LIIAR Analysis of my Final Product


Front Cover:

On the front cover of my magazine I have used different font sizes and colours so that it will be more exciting and less boring as it will be colourful. I have used the same colour for my masthead that of the 'Wyke' sign to show continuity and because it is my chosen colour scheme. I have used the colours green and black to make the articles clear to read and more exciting and chosen to have a plain white background to connote the simplicity of college and college life. I have made my masthead big and bold so that the readers will recognise the name and remember it easily, I have placed it put at the top so that it will be dominant towards the other articles so the readers wont get confused. I have included the Wyke logo so that the reader will know which college it belongs to and advertise the magazine. My main image is a MCU of a student at Wyke college, the image is clear and makes eye contact with the camera which shows that the college and its students are friendly. I have included other images which link to the articles to give the reader a taster of what they will be about and include. I have also included a barcode to show that the college is a respectable magazine as all the main magazines have a barcode on them.

Contents Page:

The contents page that I have posted is a mock up of what it could look like. I have used the same font but changed the size to show which are the most important and exciting. I haven't used a main image for my contents page but included smaller images to link with the articles. Also I've included page numbers so that the reader will be able to find the articles quickly and easily. Improvements I could make on this would be to use more images and have a main image.


I made the collage magazine and I am a student at the college so it was easy for me to make articles that were exciting and interesting. Being a student at the college is easy to include articles that are relevant to the students and college year but also appeal to them.


The purpose of my magazine is to show that the college is a friendly and exciting place to study and also that education is also a vital part of the college and that it is expecting excellent grades; to make sure that they get the excellent grades the magazine will promote help and study session times to give the students more help. To make the college life more exciting the magazine will promote the fun side by giving information such as dates to Wyke parties.


My audience will be students of Wyke college as the information will be central and relevant to them, but other students from different colleges may buy the magazine if they feel a certain article relevant to them.


I want my magazine to represent the college in a positive way so that if an outsider were to see the magazine I would want them to want to go to the college from what they see in the magazine. If the magazine represented them in a negative way then my target audience wouldn't buy the magazine and may complain which may result in the magazine getting removed from production. Also I wanted to show that the college as a hard working college but also that it is a fun and exciting college with pictures of students looking like they are enjoying themselves included in the magazine.

Feedback for my Final Magazine Cover Feedback for my Final Magazine Cover by s0013223

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Promoting the Launch of my Magazine

When I will be promoting my magazine I will need to make sure that it will grab the interests of my target audience so that it will make a profit. Also, they will be emails sent to all students so that they will be reminded of the magazine, also adverts will be put on the website and television screens around the college for a reminder and spread awareness.

I would create an online version of the magazine as a website with links for the students to different articles that will be also included in the printed copy. They will be reminders and updates on the website for the different votes and competitions which are included in the magazine. A date will be posted onto the website to inform the students of when the next addition of the printed magazine will be available.

With there being an online version of the magazine I will be including articles that will only be available in the printed copy so that the students will pay the money thus making the College a profit. Some students may not buy the printed magazine as they may not have the time to go to the stall so I will give them the opportunity to buy it during lessons as someone will be going from classroom to classroom selling it.

Final Magazine Cover

Feedback for the Contents Page Mock Up Feedback for my Contents Page Mock Up by s0013223

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Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Contents Page Mock Up

This is a mock up of what my contents page would look like. I have used an eye catching background and used different font sizes and colours to make the articles more appealing and so that the reader can find the articles more easily. I have included images that link with the articles to get the reader interested in that particular story.

Feedback for the Digital Draft 3 Feedback for Third Digital Draft by s0013223

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Digital Draft 3

From the feedback given I used that to create my final digital draft. I was told that the skylines sometimes blended into the background which made it difficult to read so I chose to use a plain background so that the skylines would be more see able. The image is a MCU so that the reader can see the person clearly, also the skyline and mast head are colours of my theme. There is less information on this draft but it makes it more clear and less messy and the skylines and pictures have been carefully laid out.